Care and Independence Overview and Scrutiny Committee

8 December 2022


Work Programme Report


1.0          Purpose of Report

1.1         The committee has agreed the attached work programme (Appendix 1).


1.2         The report gives members the opportunity to be updated on work programme items and review the shape of the work ahead.


2.0          Background

2.1         The scope of this committee is defined as ‘The needs of vulnerable adults and older people and people whose independence needs to be supported by intervention from the public or voluntary sector”.


3.0          Scheduled Committee dates/Mid-Cycle Briefing dates

Committee meetings

·         2 March 2023 at 10am


Mid cycle briefing dates

·         2 February 2023 at 10am

4.0          Group Spokesperson’s views in the Work Programme

4.1         Your Group Spokespersons met for a Mid Cycle Briefing on Thursday 27 October 2022. The work programme attached reflects the outcome of that discussion. The key points they want to bring to your attention are:


4.2         Climate action: climate justice, health and social care.

4.3         The committee agreed to discuss this at the March meeting. A draft scope has now been drawn up in collaboration with Cllr Andy Brown which addresses how the directorate is working to reduce emissions – for example as an organisation and commissioner of services, how the impact of the risks of climate change are assessed  - especially in relation to the vulnerable groups we support, and the role of public health – for example in keeping people healthy, green spaces, air quality and pollutions.


4.4         Updates about the ASC Assurance Framework

4.5         This comes into force from April 2023 and means we could have an inspection of all council social care services from CQC at any point during 2023/24 onwards. Your Chair has arranged for Richard Webb and relevant HAS officers to brief Care and Independence O&S members on the new assurance, improvement and data measures for adult social care.  Wednesday 25 January 2023 at 11.30am. This will be an informal session in Meeting Room 3 at County Hall, lasting about an hour.


5.0          Questions Raised at the last meeting

5.1         At the last committee meeting two questions were raised in discussion.


5.2         Micro Providers.

5.3         How many care homes in North Yorkshire are owned by local SMEs, as opposed to those owned by large conglomerates?


5.4         Of 387 care providers who have applied to the HAS Approved provider List (which is the mechanism used to contract with providers), 172 are providers of residential/nursing care. 107 of those 172 are SMEs.


5.5         Unintentional Injuries

5.6              North Yorkshire has 15.3% higher admissions caused by deliberate or unintentional injuries in children than the England average.  It was agreed that the reasons behind this would be explored further and fed back to the committee. 


5.7         The full response received is attached as Appendix 2


6.0          Recommendations

6.1         The committee is recommended to consider the attached work programme and determine whether any further amendments should be made at this stage.




County Hall,



Author of Report: Ray Busby

Contact Details: Tel: 01609 532655 E-mail:


Care and Independence Overview and Scrutiny Committee                      APPENDIX 1

Work Programme 2022/23

Scheduled Committee Meetings

2 March 2023 10am

Scheduled Mid Cycle Briefings (Attended only by Group Spokespersons)

2 February 2023 at 10am


Agenda Briefings - will be held at 9.30am on the day of the committee meeting



Aims/Terms of Reference

Lead/Current position

Thursday 8 December 2022 at 10am

Trailblazer progress possible Financial and Budget Pressures

Account of local, regional and financial pressures on the Adult Social Care Budget (possibly not necessary in light Anton being at September meeting)

Anton Hodge

All Age Autism Strategy

Follow up to briefing earlier this year – possible involvement of CYPS

Karen Siennecki and Natalie Smith

Care Market pressures

Current position - update


Older Peoples Champion Report

Including reference to Health Ageing Priorities and Planning

Caroline Dickinson

DPH Annual Report

A review of the DPH published report

Louise Wallace

Thursday 2 March 2023 at 10am

ASC Assurance Framework

Where we are at in terms of preparedness

Richard Webb

Unpaid Carers – support for Carers

Overview item to help assess the support provided to adult carers of adults in North Yorkshire. Update on the Strategic plan for the transformation of carers offer across North Yorkshire and experience of the contract for the provision of the Adult Carer Service and Young Carers support and advice

Cath Simms

Extra Care - next generation

Revisit of Extra Care 12 months on as requested by the Committee. Update on progress and statement on ambition to see Extra Care in all key towns by 2023.

To be determined

Direct Payments

Revisit how NYCC is ensuring that Direct Payments enable more choice and control over the support people receive and how their social care needs are met

Cath Simms and Toya Bastow

Living Well

Update on service activity

Cath Simms

Local Account

A review of the published account

Louise Wallace

Adult Social Care, Public Health and Climate Change

A response to issues and themes raised by Cllr Andy Brown

Richard Webb


Annual NY Safeguarding Adults Board Report

Chair of Board and Sheila Hall

Intermediate Care/Discharge to Assess (possibly covering Reablement)

Discharge arrangements.
Possible Briefing on introduction of Pilot scheme for short-term care beds.

To be determined

Digital Lives

Technology enabled care, online care, financial assessment and brokerage. Tech Enabled Care –supporting and enhancing the experience of people and their independence in their own homes

Mike Rudd and Cath Simms/Neil Bartram.


Long list of items yet to be programmed


Supported Housing

Transforming Care and current supported housing service overview

To be determined

Shared Lives Scheme

Approval to re-procure or in-source the Shared Lives Scheme

To be determined

Respite/Short breaks current position

Progress on a transformational approach to short breaks

To be determined

Development of the Integrated Care Systems and Partnerships that cover North Yorkshire

What does this mean for social care, what are the risks etc


Richard Webb

Dementia Care Facility

Report on progress business case and development in light of Executive approval Ito be determined)  Potentially Broad based report for newly constituted committee


Day Services

Overview with some focus on how the pandemic has changed demand for these services and how that influences commissioning arrangements that we have in place to deliver Personalisation and choice and meet current service and business requirements.

Principle and scope of item yet be discussed

Suicide Prevention and Audit



Social Prescribing